Our Products


  • Our Plantains are always Single Sourced = Higher Quality
  • We only use Dominico Harton Plantains
  • Best size, humidity, and ripeness spectrum to make our Chips
  • We have 135,000 Plantain Trees planted right now, across a total of 250 acres
  • Colombia is known worldwide for producing the best Plantains
  • Colombia is the 3rd largest producer of Plantains

So trust us, we know how to do it right!


  • Colombia is a huge producer of Cassava Root (aka Yuca and Mandioca), and the region we are located (Quindío) is known for producing the Best and Largest
  • Behind Coffee and Plantains, Cassava has the 3rd highest production of any crop in Colombia (basically, we’ll never run out)
  • We have an amazing relationship with a Local Cassava Farmer, which allows us to provide an even higher level of Quality Control to our final product
  •  Cassava is Night-Shade Free, which means it does not cause inflammation (unlike potatoes)


  • Grupo Colnatu produces all products with sustainable palm oil
  • 0% of Colombian palm oil production is destroying Orangutan habitats
  • When sustainably harvested, palm oil can produce 4 to 10 times more oil than other crops per unit of land
  • Unlike other highly refined vegetable oils, palm oil is great for cooking, as its fatty acid structure makes it extremely stable at high temperatures

If you're interested in a different product that uses
Plantain or Cassava, please contact us.